Online Teacher Training Day
November 19, 2021
The Project Team of the “BYRON” game, in collaboration with the Ionian University (Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory (HILab) of the Department of Informatics, Department of Regional Development & Department of History), organizes an Online Training Day for Primary and Secondary School Teachers, on Friday, November 19, 2021, between 19:00-21:00.
The event will present the “Experiential educational game for exploring the social identity of the Revolution – BYRON” developed by the Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory (HILab) under the direction of Associate Professor Dr. Phivos Mylonαs, in collaboration with members of the Departments of Regional Development & History of the Ionian University.
Emphasis will be placed on the pedagogical and historical context of the game, the actual presentation of the digital game “BYRON”, the didactic intervention, the pedagogical scenarios and the educational activities that have been included in it, as well as the utilization of the game in the classroom through questionnaires.
To participate, registration is required, by sending the following information to the e-mail “hilab (at)” and receiving a relevant confirmation and link to the platform by the organizers:
- Full name
- Phone
- School unit for the pilot application of the “BYRON” game
Participants will be given a relevant Certificate of Participation in the Training and the pilot application of the game.
More information is provided on the project website:
Press Release
Participation in Scientific Conference
Lefkada, October 8-9, 2021
The Association of Philologists of Lefkada, the Society for Theory and Research of General and Local History, and the Ionian Islands Region-Regional Unit of Lefkada, in collaboration with the Ionian University (Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory (HILab) of the Department of Informatics, the Departments of Regional Development & History) organize a Scientific Conference in Lefkada, on 8 and 9 October 2021, (starting on Friday afternoon 8-10-2021 and continuing on Saturday, 9-10-2021, morning and afternoon sessions).
In the context of the event, the “Experiential educational game for exploring the social identity of the revolution – BYRON” that is developed by the Humanistic & Social Informatics Laboratory under the direction of Associate Professor Dr. Phivos Mylonas, in conjunction with members of the Department of History, Ionian University, will be presented.
More information are provided on the project website:
Participation in the 85th Thessaloniki International Fair
September 11-19, 2021
Project “BYRON” is honored to participate in the stand of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.) in the 85th Thessaloniki International Fair.
As part of its participation, a live version of the “BYRON” game developed by the Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory will be presented and will be available to the general public under the direction of Assoc. Prof. Phivos Mylonas, in collaboration with members of the Department of Regional Development & History of the Ionian University.
Innovative educational approaches to the teaching of the events of the Revolution of 1821
The Department of Regional Development of the Ionian University has the pleasure and honor to organize the event of the project “BYRON” in the framework of the Action “Science and Society – 200 Years since the Greek Revolution” of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (H.F.R.I.). The event will present the “BYRON” serious game developed by the Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory under the direction of Associate Professor Dr. Phivos Mylonas, in collaboration with members from the Departments of History and Regional Development of the Ionian University.
The event took place on Thursday, May 6, 2021, online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Programme: Conference
Link: (please click here – Passcode: 224600)
Welcome | |
16:00 – 16:05 | Professor A. Floros , Ionian University Rector |
16:05 – 16:10 | Professor P. Vlamos, President, Board of Directors Ionian University’s University Research Center |
16:10 – 16:15 | Assoc. Professor Ph. Mylonas, Scientific Director of “BYRON” Project & President, Department of Regional Development, Ionian University |
Part I: Greek Revolution: from the historical past to the present | |
16:15 – 16:45 | P. Pizanias, Emeritus Professor, Department of History, Ionian University |
Introduction to the Greek Revolution | |
16:45 – 17:15 | A. Ηatzis, Professor of Philosophy of Law & Theory of Institutions, Department PHS/NKUA, Director of Research, Center for Liberal Studes (KEFiM) |
The Greek Revolution in the British Newspapers of the 1821-1827 Period | |
17:15 – 17:45 | S. Bozikis, Doctor of History, Ionian University |
State and Dominion in the Years of the Greek Revolution: Dynamics Recorded in the Public Economy | |
17:45 – 18:15 | S. Pouliasis, Doctor of History, Ionian University |
Greek Society’s Interest for the Revolution in the 19th Century | |
18:15 – 18:45 | Questions/Discussion |
18:45 – 19:00 | Break |
Part II: Greek Revolution and Education: The BYRON Digital Game | |
19:00 – 19:30 | C. Aggelakos, Professor of Education, Department of History, Ionian University |
From the Existing Teaching of Greek Revolution in the Education to the Change of Paradigm | |
19:30 – 19:45 | S. Palamas, Assistant Professor of Computer Graphics, Department of Regional Development, Ionian University |
Presentation of the Serious Purpose Digital Game “BYRON” | |
19:45 – 20:00 | E. Stouraitis, Doctor of History, Ionian University |
The Game-centric Learning as Teaching Methodology for the Acquisition of Historical Knowledge: the Example of “Byron” for the 1821 Greek Revolution | |
20:00 – 20:15 | K. Stamou / E. Koumentakou, Philologists, Researchers, Ionian University |
Incorporating the Serious Purpose Digital Game in the Educational Procedure. Educational Scenarios Based on the Digital Game BYRON | |
20:15 – 20:45 | Questions/Discussion |
20:45 | Conference Completion |
Supported by: | |
· Ionian University | |
· University Research Center | |
· Department of Regional Development, Ionian University | |
· Humanistic and Social Informatics Laboratory (HILab) | |
· Postgraduate Programme “Historical Research, Teaching and New Technologies” | |
· “NEA PAIDEIA” Journal |
Participation of the Ionian University in the event of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) entitled: “200 Years of the Greek Revolution: Conversing with History Today”.
The Department of Informatics of the Ionian University has the pleasure and honor to participate in the event of the Hellenic Research and Innovation Foundation (HFRI) entitled: “200 Years of the Greek Revolution: Conversing with History Today” in framework of the Action “Science and Society – 200 Years since the Greek Revolution”.
In the context of the event, the “Experiential educational game for exploring the social identity of the revolution – BYRON” that is developed by the Humanistic & Social Informatics Laboratory under the direction of Associate Professor Dr. Phivos Mylonas, in conjunction with members of the Department of History, Ionian University, will be presented. More information is provided on the project website:
The event took will take place on Thursday, February 6, 2020 at the National Historical Museum, in the Ceremony Hall (Old Parliament Building, Kolokotroni Square, Stadiou 13).
The event will be honored by the presence of H.E., the President of the Greek Republic, Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos.